Design & UX Insights

Welcome to our insights on product design and development. Here, we focus on creating user-friendly, engaging experiences prioritising the customer journey. Discover the art and science behind creating products that truly matter.

Design & UX Insights
Flexbox and CSS Grids: The future of web layout
september 26, 2024

Flexbox and CSS Grids: The future of web layout

Creating visually appealing and functional designs that are responsive and easy to maintain is a skill, albeit mandatory in today’s...

Design & UX InsightsHow to GuidesTech Insights
UX designers and QA engineers — crossing our T-shapes for better collaboration
februari 21, 2024

UX designers and QA engineers — crossing our T-shapes for better collaboration

Complex digital products are like symphonies — they need an orchestra full of different musicians — a multidisciplinary team. We...

Design & UX InsightsTech Insights
How the graphic design space will shape up in 2024
januari 2, 2024

How the graphic design space will shape up in 2024

Defined by fresh takes and infused with all that has come before, graphic design is an evolving toolkit used by...

Design & UX Insights
User experience essentials for 2024
december 18, 2023

User experience essentials for 2024

In 2024, UI/UX design will be defined by a combination of user-centred design principles, digital innovation, and emerging technologies. To...

Design & UX Insights
How UX/UI informs software development (and vice versa)
oktober 16, 2023

How UX/UI informs software development (and vice versa)

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design are key roles in the success of software products like websites and...

Design & UX InsightsHow to GuidesTech Insights
Best design resources for every creative type
oktober 2, 2023

Best design resources for every creative type

If you’re in the creative or design world, you already know that having the right tools and resources at your...

App and Software reviewsDesign & UX Insights
Finding the best web designer for your business
augustus 3, 2023

Finding the best web designer for your business

So, you’ve got a business plan locked in and now you’re ready to establish your digital presence through a kickass...

Design & UX Insights
10 Figma plugins for UX designers
juli 6, 2023

10 Figma plugins for UX designers

Figma is a powerful and versatile web-based design application that prominently features in every designer’s toolkit. It is used to...

App and Software reviewsDesign & UX Insights
5 current web design trends you can look into
juni 19, 2023

5 current web design trends you can look into

Making your website stand out today takes a little more than choosing the right colour palette and font pairs. In...

Design & UX Insights
10 great design resources you may not know about
oktober 10, 2022

10 great design resources you may not know about

If you know anything about creatives it’s probably this: when they aren’t busy creating magic, they’re scouring the internet and...

App and Software reviewsDesign & UX Insights
Creative algorithms: AI’s influence on design
augustus 8, 2022

Creative algorithms: AI’s influence on design

AI’s involvement in the creative space isn't anything new — we’ve seen the rise of AI-powered faux influencers, musicians, artists,...

AI & ML InsightsDesign & UX Insights
How to make your web experiences more accessible
februari 7, 2022

How to make your web experiences more accessible

Not everyone who uses the internet interacts with it in the same way. Some listen more than they read while...

Design & UX InsightsHow to Guides
UX and UI design trends for 2022
januari 5, 2022

UX and UI design trends for 2022

With more people around the world being glued to their screens this year, the exciting world of UX and UI...

Design & UX Insights
5 books for UX & UI designers – WeAreBrain book club
november 16, 2021

5 books for UX & UI designers – WeAreBrain book club

We’re back with the latest instalment of our WeAreBrain book club, where we ask a member of our team to...

App and Software reviewsDesign & UX Insights
Developing for AR: a quick crash course
november 8, 2021

Developing for AR: a quick crash course

What was originally seen to be an inaccessible technology to the everyday person is quickly becoming a reality thanks to...

App and Software reviewsDesign & UX InsightsTech Insights
Cross-cultural design: challenges and considerations
september 20, 2021

Cross-cultural design: challenges and considerations

When working on a project that is expected to reach a global audience and/or involves collaboration with international teams from...

Design & UX Insights
Reading by design – exceptional books for designers
juli 26, 2021

Reading by design – exceptional books for designers

It’s time once again for the WeAreBrain book club, and this month we’ll be featuring super cool reads about design...

Design & UX Insights
Top website builders for agencies
juni 2, 2021

Top website builders for agencies

Explore the top website builders for agencies, highlighting their strengths in hosting, CMS, design, plugins, ease of use, and costs,...

App and Software reviewsDesign & UX InsightsMarketing Trends
How to measure customer experience (CX): Part II
mei 19, 2021

How to measure customer experience (CX): Part II

As we established in Part I, although we cannot measure customer experience (CX) directly by its very nature, we are...

Design & UX InsightsHow to Guides
How to measure Customer Experience (CX): Part I
mei 10, 2021

How to measure Customer Experience (CX): Part I

How do you measure an experience? Before we whip out our measuring devices and table charts, we have to dip...

Design & UX Insights
Create a product people love to use
februari 24, 2021

Create a product people love to use

Remember those days when good UX was enough to make you stand out amongst all your competitors?  I remember when...

Design & UX Insights
What’s your problem? An article about the problem-solving capabilities of design
februari 10, 2021

What’s your problem? An article about the problem-solving capabilities of design

"Given one hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes finding the...

Design & UX Insights
Optimising your site for voice search: It’s time to listen up
februari 4, 2021

Optimising your site for voice search: It’s time to listen up

Does every brand need a voice strategy? Do they all need to optimise their website for voice search? With the...

Design & UX Insights
Designing for Augmented Reality (AR): User-centred UX
oktober 12, 2020

Designing for Augmented Reality (AR): User-centred UX

In the last several years, Augmented Reality (AR) has really started to gain purchase in the technology realm. AR is...

Design & UX InsightsHow to Guides
What is DesignOps and how can it benefit your design team’s output?
september 28, 2020

What is DesignOps and how can it benefit your design team’s output?

What is DesignOps? Design Operations, commonly referred to as DesignOps, is the process of establishing optimised workflow processes and operationalisation of...

Design & UX Insights
How to transition from graphic design to UX design
augustus 19, 2020

How to transition from graphic design to UX design

If you are a graphic designer looking to pursue a career pivot into user experience (UX) design then you have...

Design & UX InsightsHow to Guides
COVID-19 and RPA: An unlikely duo
augustus 10, 2020

COVID-19 and RPA: An unlikely duo

Find out everything you need to know about Artificial Intelligence and automation, and their applications in the working world with...

Design & UX Insights
How to build an app: A complete guide of tips and tricks
juli 1, 2020

How to build an app: A complete guide of tips and tricks

Wondering how to build an app? Well, you're not alone. There has never been a better time to get into...

Design & UX InsightsHow to GuidesTech Insights
Mobile app design: Basics you need to know when creating your mobile app
juni 17, 2020

Mobile app design: Basics you need to know when creating your mobile app

As of 2020, the world has over 3.5 billion smartphone users - and that number is set to climb by...

Design & UX InsightsHow to Guides
Wireframing 101: The Whats, the Types, and the Tools
juni 10, 2020

Wireframing 101: The Whats, the Types, and the Tools

Unlock the essentials of wireframing in UX/UI design, exploring types, tools, and their pivotal role in digital product development. Key takeaways Wireframes...

App and Software reviewsDesign & UX InsightsHow to Guides
Designer-Developer handoff: The art of collaboration
mei 27, 2020

Designer-Developer handoff: The art of collaboration

When we refer to a ‘design handoff’ we are speaking about the process where designers submit their design prototype to...

Design & UX InsightsHow to GuidesTech Insights
The importance of storytelling in UI design
mei 5, 2020

The importance of storytelling in UI design

Great stories will always captivate the human mind, no matter how they’re being told. Because of this, storytelling is the...

Design & UX Insights
Localisation and User Experience 101: How to make your brand a success when going global
april 22, 2020

Localisation and User Experience 101: How to make your brand a success when going global

Taking your business global for the first time? There are a number of factors you need to be on top...

Design & UX InsightsHow to Guides
UX research: What is it and how is it done?
maart 24, 2020

UX research: What is it and how is it done?

The best way for UX and UI designers to have any chance of creating memorable user experiences is through thorough...

Design & UX InsightsHow to Guides
There is a difference between user testing and usability testing — and you should know it
februari 26, 2020

There is a difference between user testing and usability testing — and you should know it

For many, user testing and usability testing is just a case of semantics but truthfully it’s not. Both of these...

Design & UX InsightsHow to Guides
When words aren’t enough: The use of imagery in UX
februari 13, 2020

When words aren’t enough: The use of imagery in UX

Humans are creatures which rely heavily on visual stimuli to make sense of the world around them. From knowing when...

Design & UX Insights
Microinteractions in UX: The art of subtlety
januari 28, 2020

Microinteractions in UX: The art of subtlety

If you’re reading this from your laptop or mobile device then you would have come into contact with multiple microinteractions...

Design & UX InsightsMarketing Trends
The challenges of designing and adapting scripts for conversational UX
mei 30, 2019

The challenges of designing and adapting scripts for conversational UX

With the proliferation of new AI solutions for business, especially when talking about chatbots, workbots and RPA, a new kind...

Design & UX Insights
The role of writing in UX and UI
juli 20, 2018

The role of writing in UX and UI

Although the term UX writing is still relatively new, the concept has been around since the launch of the first...

Design & UX Insights
Web designers vs. Front-end developers: Avoid quarrelling!
oktober 6, 2017

Web designers vs. Front-end developers: Avoid quarrelling!

There are situations when front-end developers complain about designers. You might hear: “Their mockups are unclear! The indents are different....

Design & UX InsightsTech Insights