Meet Vira Yarchak, our full stack flyer

November 29, 2023
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Team & Company News
David Roman
Meet Vira Yarchak, our full stack flyer

There are many characteristics that each of our Brainiac digital junkies poses; bold, determined, diverse, talented – the list is long. But a defining component of what makes our work family unique is our versatility.

Our Brainiacs are super talented, of course. But we aim to hire people who can wear many hats. It’s important to build a team whose ability and talent covers all bases. This is why many of our Brainics play multiple roles according to the needs of the project.

A great example of this is Vira Yarchak, our multi-talented Full Stack Developer and all-around Swiss Army Knife of development. While Vira can handle anything and everything in the front and backend, she is currently lending her impressive skills as a Frontend Developer for our long-standing Maxeda client.

Vira holds a Master’s degree in Computerised Automatic Systems and a Bachelor’s degree in System Engineering from Lviv Polytechnic National University. This educational background, combined with over 5 years of hands-on Full-stack Developer experience, equips her with the skills and knowledge needed to dominate her day-to-day work at WeAreBrain.

What she enjoys most about her work is the constant learning and exposure to new technologies. Staying at the cutting edge of development keeps her engaged and motivated. The opportunity to work with a variety of technologies allows her to adapt and grow, making each day dynamic and fulfilling.

“What I appreciate most about working at WeAreBrain is the incredible people and the company’s strong commitment to its values. This combination creates a work environment where I feel that I’m in the right place”.


When Vira isn’t commanding the front and/or backend to create amazing digital products, you can find her flying in the air – well, sort of. You see, Vira loves to perform aerial yoga in her free time. For the unenlightened, it is the act of performing yoga flows while hanging from a harness levitated from the ground. It’s quite the aerobatic act which requires a lot of skill!

She also loves the peaceful and almost meditative practice of sewing. Come to think of it, coders make for talented sewers as both roles require dedicated focus and attention to detail in incremented steps, line by line.

We’re looking forward to marvelling at more of your front- and backend prowess in the future, Vira! And your freshly sewed garments, of course 🙂

David Roman

David is one of our marketing gurus. He loves working with content but has a good eye for marketing analytics as well. Creativity is what drives him, photography being one of his passions.

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