Meet Ivan, iOS and Xamarin mobile developer at WeAreBrain. Receiving a master’s degree from Donbass State Machine-Building Academy in information technology set him up perfectly to pursue a career in the tech space. He has also spent some time moulding young minds teaching ios courses at the Kiev IT School. “Working in this space gives me the opportunity to make people’s lives easier — building features that change a person’s life, whether it’s from a convenience perspective to a shift in the quality of life I feel like influencing people’s lives positively means I am doing the right thing with my life” says Ivan
Ivan is also WeAreBrain’s resident strong man hitting the gym whenever he can, health and fitness is one of his priorities. His hobby is weight lifting and he used to compete in a sport called Powerlifting, in which competitors perform three main exercises: bench press, sit-ups with a barbell, and draft rod. Since moving to Kiev, he has become more focussed on bodybuilding. The last we heard he was benching over 200 kg. He’s definitely one of the first guys on the list when we’re looking for heavy lifters during office moves ;-).
But Ivan is also a softy at heart, owning two beautiful Persian cats and a super cute Yorkie. He’s recently gotten into pet grooming and you can be sure each of his special pets are sporting uber cool haircuts. Being an animal lover one of the biggest highlights in life when he got his first catMario, a beautiful Persian “I got him when I was 22, the bond between humans and animals can really be incredible”
One of Ivan’s personal heroes is Alexander Suvorov, a famed military man in the Russian army said to have lead over 60 battles and lost none. “If I could switch places with someone from history for just one day it would be Suvorov, he is one of the best military tacticians ever noted in history — it would amazing to step into the mind of man like that” says Ivan.
The two other major highlights in his life are the day he got married and when he started his first job. We’re hoping that working at WeAreBrain becomes one of Ivan’s milestones that he will look back at in years to come and see it as another great highlight in his life. Having him on the team is certainly a highlight for us.
An executive’s guide to AI and Intelligent Automation. Working Machines takes a look at how the renewed vigour for the development of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Automation technology has begun to change how businesses operate.