Meet Pavel, WeAreBrain’s UX Design Dynamo

October 10, 2017
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Mario Grunitz
Meet Pavel, WeAreBrain’s UX Design Dynamo

Meet Pavel, senior designer of making user experience awesome at WeAreBrain. He got his start as the head of the casting section in a foundry, but craved something more creative. As he explains it, he’s had the drive for art and creative design since childhood. He followed his dreams, taking design courses and graduating from art school, which led to him working with QuartSoft, a leading IT company in Kramatorsk and now (lucky us) WeAreBrain.

He is also an alumnus of Startupbootcamp with the team’s latest successful venture clevergig, where he and a team of seasoned entrepreneurs around founder and CEO Michel Pilet develop on-demand HR solutions for the gig economy.

As a creative, one of the things Pavel loves most is that there is always something new to learn and do. He now gets to help others realize their dreams by ensuring that their UX supports the success of their business. One of his favorite things about working with WeAreBrain is that he has the “opportunity to apply his skills internally as well”, which gives him the satisfaction of knowing “my ideas are valued and contributing to the outcome for both WeAreBrain and our clients’ companies”

Pavel draws inspiration from all around him. “I think I am very curious by nature because I like to see how something is made and then my first question is why? I think this is what made UX design so fascinating to me, I’m able to combine my love for design and creativity with the logic and questions that are intrinsic to the practice of UX” says Pavel. One of Pavel’s favourite past times is trawling through pinterest, “Type circle in the search bar and you’ll see why?” he laughs.

If given the opportunity to switch places with someone for a day he says it would definitely be with one of the great explorers in history on the day they made the discovery that made them famous, like Christopher Columbus discovering America, Galileo Galilei proving the Earth revolved around the sun or the guy who made fire for the first time “Just imagine what that must have been like” exclaims Pavel.

His passion project is collecting classic American Car Models made between the 1960s-1970s. “I love cars from that era because they are the embodiment of freedom and unrestrained energy — one of the items on my bucketlist is to own one of these cars in real life but for now I’ve just got the miniature versions” he says

A couple week’s ago we did a feature on Lena another UX designer at WeAreBrain and Pavel’s beautiful wife. This design duo love to travel together! Their preferred mode of transport? A car 🙂 of course it’s not a surprise given Pavel’s love of everything motor vehicle related but they also do it because they feel you get to see parts of countries that not many people get to see. They like to just choose a destination and hit the road. So far they have travelled to Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Italy, with many trips and countries planned for in the future.

When asked what three things he could not live without, he lists my phone, my PS4 and my cat. And Lena? “She’s at the top of the list of course” says Pavel, so we’re not sure who’s getting bumped the cat or the PS4? 😉

Mario Grunitz

Mario is a Strategy Lead and Co-founder of WeAreBrain, bringing over 20 years of rich and diverse experience in the technology sector. His passion for creating meaningful change through technology has positioned him as a thought leader and trusted advisor in the tech community, pushing the boundaries of digital innovation and shaping the future of AI.

Working Machines

An executive’s guide to AI and Intelligent Automation. Working Machines takes a look at how the renewed vigour for the development of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Automation technology has begun to change how businesses operate.